The Solution /Technology

The Solution / Technology

Unfortunately we cannot remove all harmful chemicals from our daily processes, BUT we can evaluate if they are truly the only option available to us and where possible replace with non-chemical products & alternative solutions

Our non-chemical products are a specially formulated blend of natural surfactant and naturally occurring augmented bacteria.

The powerful natural surfactants are readily biodegradable and uplift grease, oil and dirt from hard surfaces.

Once the hydrocarbon contamination fuel, mineral oil or fats have been washed into the aco drains , fuel separator, or in the case of food related fats into the foul drains the harmless bacteria within our products begin to bloom and look for the hydrocarbons as a food source to eat.

The naturally occurring bacteria ingest fats, grease and oils converting them into water (H20) and naturally occurring CO2 which is essential for photosynthesis, therefore by using naturally occurring bacteria we are enhancing nature’s own process of dealing with contamination.

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